- 🔥 A new generation VPN service
- 📡 50 servers in different countries
- ⚡️ The connection is 10 times faster
- 🛡️ Additional privacy protection in the browser
- 🔝 Streaming, gaming and social services with VIP servers
- 🚫 Blocking malware
- ❕ Separate connection tunneling
- ✅ Secure P2P connections
For free
🔥 🔥 🔥
then 790 ₽ / mo
Annual plan
275 ₽
For payment: 3290 ₽
790 ₽
for free
After clicking on «Continue», you will be transferred to the bank's page, where you will need to make a payment for 1 ₽, which will be refunded within 24 hours, so we will make sure that you are a real user
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